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Writer's pictureNathan

Alphabet Against Abortion (original song)

Lyrics: Original

Tune: "Revolutionary Alphabet" (1775)

A is for America which is no longer great

B is for the Babies who we treat as if we hate

C’s for Constitution which we most of us ignore

D is for the Demons which so many now adore

Stand firmly, A to Z! Friends of the children we must be!

E stands for the evils that a civil war may cause

F’s for Fear which makes us obey evil men and laws

G is for the Government which no longer knows its role

H is for Hypocrisy which dominates our soul

Stand firmly, A to Z! Friends of the children we must be!

I is for the Ignorance which has been boldly taught

J is for Christ Jesus whose Lordship we have forgot

K is for the Kingdom which He will not fail to bring

L’s for Lies that tell us human Life has no meaning.

Stand firmly, A to Z! Friends of the children we must be!

M stands for the cowardly Men who choose to stay silent

N’s for Nice, the image we’re determined to present

O’s for Oaths of office which mean nothing much at all

P is for Planned Parenthood which still one day will fall!

Stand firmly, A to Z! Friends of the children we must be!

Q is for the Question: “Oh when will the church arise?”

R is for Republicans who’ve won our votes with lies!

S it stands for Sex and the base idol it’s become

T is for the Truth which still is known and loved by some!

Stand firmly, A to Z! Friends of the children we must be!

U is for the Unborn, smashed and bloodied near and far

V it stands for Victims who the unborn surely are

W’s for Women, most of whom are surely not

X is for the Cross, may we embrace what it has taught!

Stand firmly, A to Z! Friends of the children we must be!

Y it stands for Yes, the only right response to life

Z is for the Zeal we need to withstand coming strife!

Now we know our A,B,C’s and what we all must do.

Choose this day whom you will serve. Sing out for justice too!

Stand firmly, A to Z! Friends of the children we must be!

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